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dc.creatorSoteriou, E. C.en
dc.creatorCoccossis, H.en
dc.description.abstractThis article describes an empirical study undertaken in national tourism organizations in Europe responsible for tourism planning to investigate the parameters that compose the capability to integrate sustainability into the strategic planning process and the factors that contribute to its development. Results indicate that both strategic planning and the integration of sustainability in national tourism organizations face problems that limit the potential of strategic planning to contribute substantially toward sustainability. Further to problems traced within the organizations and in the design of the strategic planning process, the research reveals the negative influence exerted by various exogenous factors. This article discusses the role that national tourism organizations can play in operationalizing sustainable tourism and pursuing it through strategic planning and suggests ways to improve performance in this respect. It also reveals a large scope for more empirical work for the integration of sustainability into strategic planning for tourism at a national level.en
dc.sourceJournal of Travel Researchen
dc.source.uri<Go to ISI>://WOS:000277236700005
dc.subjectstrategic planningen
dc.subjectnational tourism organizationsen
dc.subjectcapability to integrate sustainability into strategic planningen
dc.subjectHospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourismen
dc.titleIntegrating Sustainability into the Strategic Planning of National Tourism Organizationsen

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