Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.creatorPolyzos, S.en
dc.creatorMinetos, D.en
dc.description.abstractThis paper deals with the primary causes of informal housing in Greece as well as the observed differentiations in informal housing patterns across space. The spatial level of analysis is the prefectural administrative level. The results of the multinomial logistic regression analysis indicate that Greek prefectures differ in the way they experience the informal housing phenomenon. An explanation for the observed differences may be the separate development paths followed and the diverse range of economic activities in each prefecture. The Greek state has not made provisions for creating the necessary 'urban land stock' in each prefecture, so that everyone interested can find land parcels at an affordable price. On the contrary, the state encourages the informal housing activity by legalizing large areas of such activity sporadically and by introducing legislative initiatives of limited success in dealing with the problem.en
dc.sourceEuropean Spatial Research and Policyen
dc.subjectHousing policyen
dc.subjectInformal housingen
dc.subjectLand use changesen
dc.subjectMultinomial logistic regressionen
dc.subjectaffordable housingen
dc.subjectinformal sectoren
dc.subjectland use changeen
dc.subjectregional developmenten
dc.subjectregression analysisen
dc.subjectspatial analysisen
dc.titleInformal housing in Greece: Amultinomial logistic regression analysis at the regional levelen

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Zur Kurzanzeige