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dc.creatorPapadimitriou, D. I.en
dc.creatorPapadimitriou, C.en
dc.description.abstractIn this paper the optimal sensor location problem for the estimation of model parameters in computational fluid dynamics is presented. A Bayesian formulation is used to quantify the uncertainties in the model parameters using the measurements provided by a sensor configuration and the information entropy is minimized using a gradient-based algorithm, to optimally locate the sensors in order to obtain as much as possible information from the measurements. The information entropy is expressed in terms of the derivatives, with respect to the model parameters, of the flow quantities predicted by the model. These derivatives are computed using the differentiation of the model equations with respect to the model parameters. Herein, the algorithm is applied to the turbulent flow through a backward facing step where the optimal locations of sensors that measure velocity and Reynolds stress profiles are sought for the optimal identification of the parameters of the Spalart Allmaras turbulence model.en
dc.subjectBackward facing stepen
dc.subjectBayesian formulationen
dc.subjectGradient based algorithmen
dc.subjectIdentification of the parametersen
dc.subjectModel parameter estimationen
dc.subjectOptimal sensor locationsen
dc.subjectSensor configurationsen
dc.subjectSpalart-Allmaras turbulence modelen
dc.subjectBayesian networksen
dc.subjectComputational fluid dynamicsen
dc.subjectReynolds numberen
dc.subjectTurbulence modelsen
dc.subjectUncertainty analysisen
dc.subjectParameter estimationen
dc.titleOptimal sensor location for model parameter estimation in CFDen

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