Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.creatorPantelakis, S. G.en
dc.creatorKermanidis, T. B.en
dc.creatorHaidemenopoulos, G. N.en
dc.description.abstractPaint removal is required in a series of aeronautical procedures such as maintenance and repair. Today's paint stripping processes which are based on application of chemicals and abrasion are inadequate for modem aircraft structures in addition to environmental contamination, Several alternative techniques are in progress. However, the aspect of material property degradation when developing novel, alternative paint stripping techniques has not been properly faced up to present. The influence of two novel paint stripping processes on the mechanical properties of the substrate 2024 T351 aluminium alloy has been investigated. The paint stripping processes included laser radiation with excimer, CO2, TEA-CO2 and YAG laser sources as well as plasma etching. These processes have been applied for the removal of polyurethane coating which is a typical aeronautical paint system. The results indicated no significant degradation in yield strength and ultimate tensile strength. However a significant degradation in tensile ductility and toughness is observed with the application of all paint stripping processes, the highest degradation being associated with the ultraviolet excimer laser and plasma etching. On the other hand there is a considerable extension in fatigue life, which depends on the paint stripping process and the applied stress amplitude. At high stress there is no appreciable effect while at low stress there is an order of magnitude life extension associated with CO2 laser paint stripping. At moderate stresses, there is an up to sixfold life extension associated with the excimer laser processing.en
dc.source.uri<Go to ISI>://WOS:A1996VY08000005
dc.subjectEngineering, Mechanicalen
dc.titleMechanical behavior of 2024 Al alloy specimen subjected to paint stripping by laser radiation and plasma etchingen

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Zur Kurzanzeige