Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.creatorMetaxas, T.en
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to present some very important prerequisites / criteria under which, Place/city Marketing procedure could become an effective tool for city's development and competitiveness and not a waste strategy or a hindrance (answering the question: does marketing the city help or hinder?). The main goal is the creation of an attractive and competitive city image. In order to satisfy this goal, the paper aims to present a strategic framework analysis and to provide a strategic model of a city's image as a 'good'. On the other hand, the paper aims to present a potential promotional package based on the prerequisites of Place/ city marketing implementation, so that the City Marketing procedure as a whole can become effective, sustainable and have a positive contribution to the city's development.en
dc.subjectInternational tradeen
dc.subjectPublic policyen
dc.subjectSocial aspectsen
dc.subjectStrategic planningen
dc.subjectSustainable developmenten
dc.subjectLocal Enterprise Companies (LEC)en
dc.subjectTechnological transformationen
dc.subjectTraining and Enterprises Council (TEC)en
dc.subjectUrban Development Corporation (UDC)en
dc.subjectUrban planningen
dc.titleThe image of the city as 'good': The creation of a city's promotional package through a strategic framework analysis of city marketing procedureen

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Zur Kurzanzeige