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dc.creatorKatsamas, A. I.en
dc.creatorHaidemenopoulos, G. N.en
dc.creatorZervaki, A. D.en
dc.creatorMelas, I.en
dc.description.abstractA bent Ni-Cu Monel 400 alloy tube, which operated as part of a pipeline in a petrochemical distillery installation, failed by through-thickness cracking. The pipeline was used to carry a stream of gaseous hydrocarbons containing hydrochloric acid (HCl) into a reaction tower. The tower provided a caustic solution (NaOH) to remove HCl from the stream, before the latter was directed to a burner. Metallographic examination showed that the cracks were intergranular and were frequently branched. Although nominal chemical composition of the component was found within the specified range, electron dispersive analysis by X-ray (EDXA) indicated significant segregation of sulfur and chlorine on grain boundaries. Failure was attributed to hypochlorous-acid (HClO)-induced stress-corrosion cracking (SCC). The HClO was formed by the reaction of HCl with atmospheric O2, and the oxygen entered the tube during shutdowns/ startups of the installation. Residual stresses, originating from the in situ bend forming of the tube during assembly of the line, provided a driving force for crack growth, and the segregation of sulfur on grain boundaries enhanced the susceptibility of the material to cracking. © ASM International.en
dc.sourceJournal of Failure Analysis and Preventionen
dc.subjectHypochlorous aciden
dc.subjectMonel 400en
dc.subjectPetrochemical industryen
dc.subjectStress-corrosion crackingen
dc.subjectEnergy dispersive spectroscopyen
dc.subjectGrain boundariesen
dc.subjectHydrochloric aciden
dc.subjectPetroleum industryen
dc.subjectPetroleum pipelinesen
dc.subjectSegregation (metallography)en
dc.subjectStream flowen
dc.subjectStress corrosion crackingen
dc.subjectTubes (components)en
dc.subjectAlloy tubeen
dc.subjectMetallographic examinationen
dc.subjectReaction toweren
dc.subjectThrough thickness crackingen
dc.subjectMonel metalen
dc.titleStress-corrosion cracking of a Monel 400 tubeen

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