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dc.creatorFilippatou, D.en
dc.creatorKaldi, S.en
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses upon the effectiveness of project-based learning on primary school pupils with learning difficulties regarding their academic performance and attitudes towards self efficacy, task value, group work and teaching methods applied. The present study is a part of a larger one that included six Greek fourth-grade primary school mainstream classrooms with ninety-four pupils of mixed learning abilities. An eight-week project was implemented within the curriculum area of environmental studies with a topic of 'sea animals'. The methodology applied in this study was a combination of a pre-experimental design (the one group pre- post-test design) and the case study research design. In the present study data were used only for pupils with learning difficulties in those classes. The findings of the present study support that pupils with learning difficulties can gain benefits through project-based learning in academic performance, motivation (self-efficacy and task value in terms of environmental studies) and group work (acceptance in the group and engagement in the learning process). The students also preferred experiential learning to traditional teaching. The implications of our findings for the design of project-based learning programmes in the environmental studies with pupils with learning difficulties are also discussed.en
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Special Educationen
dc.titleThe effectiveness of project-based learning on pupils with learning difficulties regarding academic performance, group work and motivationen

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