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dc.creatorBrouzgou, A.en
dc.creatorTzorbatzoglou, F.en
dc.creatorTsiakaras, P.en
dc.description.abstractAmong the most considered future alternative energy conversion systems are fuel cells. A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that continuously and directly converts chemical energy to electricity with the most common technologies to be the Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) and the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). In such devices hydrogen is considered as the preferred fuel in virtue of its high activity and its environmental benignity.Fuel supply is an important problem to be solved for the commercial application of fuel cells' technology. Conventional fuel-cell types require hydrogen as the fuel, which has to be free of impurities when operated at temperatures below 100°C. The storage and distribution of hydrogen is still one of the open questions in the context of a customer-oriented broad commercial market. The last two decades research effort has been devoted to Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells dedicated to overcome the hydrogen specific restrictions. In this direction direct alcohol fuel cells have been extensively studied and considered as possible power production systems for portable electronic devices and vehicles in the near future. However, because of the relatively low performances and the high cost of platinum-based catalysts, a number of research groups have oriented their efforts mainly towards the development: a) of low or non platinum electrocatalysts (anodes and cathodes) and b) of nanostructured electrocatalysts based on non-noble metals. The challenges and the prospects related to the low and non platinum anodes for direct alcohol (methanol and ethanol) PEM fuel cells are presented and discussed in the present work. © 2011 INESC Coimbra.en
dc.subjectdirect alcohol fuel cellsen
dc.subjectethanol and methanol electrooxidationen
dc.subjectlow and non platinum electrocatalystsen
dc.subjectAlternative energyen
dc.subjectChemical energyen
dc.subjectCommercial applicationsen
dc.subjectCommercial marketen
dc.subjectDirect alcohol fuel cellen
dc.subjectElectrochemical devicesen
dc.subjectFuture trendsen
dc.subjectHigh activityen
dc.subjectHigh costsen
dc.subjectNanostructured electrocatalystsen
dc.subjectPEM fuel cellen
dc.subjectPlatinum based catalysten
dc.subjectPortable electronic devicesen
dc.subjectPower productionen
dc.subjectResearch effortsen
dc.subjectResearch groupsen
dc.subjectEnergy conversionen
dc.subjectHydrogen storageen
dc.subjectPrecious metalsen
dc.subjectProton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC)en
dc.subjectSolid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)en
dc.subjectGas fuel purificationen
dc.titleDirect alcohol fuel cells: Challenges and future trendsen

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