Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.creatorBeard, C.en
dc.creatorZiliaskopoulos, A.en
dc.description.abstractA mixed-integer linear programming formulation is proposed to solve the combined system optimal dynamic traffic assignment and signal optimization problem. Traffic conditions are modeled with the cell transmission model, a convergent numerical approximation to the hydrodynamic model of traffic flow. The formulation is suited to respond to oversaturated traffic conditions. It also can be adapted to account for turning movements, protected and permissive phases (gap acceptance), and multiple signal controller types: dynamic (traffic adaptive) and pretimed. Trials with a test network validated the formulation and achieved promising results. Specifically, dynamic signal control proved to be substantially more effective than pretimed control for incident conditions. In addition, potential benefits of rerouting vehicles in both directions of a roadway were revealed even when only one direction is closed.en
dc.sourceTransportation Research Recorden
dc.subjectMixed integer linear programming formulationen
dc.subjectRerouting vehiclesen
dc.subjectSignal optimization problemen
dc.subjectTraffic assignmenten
dc.subjectApproximation theoryen
dc.subjectInteger programmingen
dc.subjectLinear programmingen
dc.subjectOptimal control systemsen
dc.subjectProblem solvingen
dc.subjectTraffic controlen
dc.subjectTraffic signalsen
dc.titleSystem optimal signal optimization formulationen

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Zur Kurzanzeige