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dc.creatorArvanitoyannis, I. S.en
dc.creatorTserkezou, P.en
dc.creatorVarzakas, T.en
dc.description.abstractUS government was the first to introduce Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, the system that had a tremendous impact on everybody's life starting from the food and packaging companies up to consumer themselves. The rest of the nations simply followed US approach with a considerable delay both in terms of legislation and implementation. In the case of genetically modified (GM) or genetically engineered foods, the situation was entirely different. United States benefited from the 'dubious', and definitely not proved, 'substantial equivalence' principle invoked as the most practical approach to assess the safety of GM foods and food ingredients. US legislation appeared to be considerably more lenient than the European Union. The latter required many more analyses and labelling of GM food or food components. In this article, an update is attempted of the entire US legislation falling in fields like food safety, food technology, GM foods and finally legislation referring to specific foods (animal origin - meat, poultry, fish, dairy; and agricultural produces - vegetables, fruits) and water quality by means of fourteen comprehensive tables. © 2006 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund.en
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Food Science and Technologyen
dc.subjectGM foods legislationen
dc.subjectUS agricultural produces lawsen
dc.subjectUS food safety legislationen
dc.subjectUS technological aspects lawsen
dc.subjectUS water quality lawen
dc.titleAn update of US food safety, food technology, GM food and water protection and management legislationen

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