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dc.creatorArgyriou, A.en
dc.creatorPandharipande, A.en
dc.description.abstractThe concept of analog network coding (ANC) considers the concurrent transmission of signals over the wireless medium so that they intentionally interfere. Higher network throughput can be achieved with ANC when an intended transmission that a receiver desires to receive is made to interfere with a concurrent transmission of a signal known a priori at the receiver. In this paper, we present a cooperative protocol that exploits ANC. We consider a system with cooperative relaying of overlapped transmissions from two independent users. More specifically, we explore the case that network nodes may allow the transmitted signals to interfere both at the final destination node, and also at an intermediate node that acts subsequently as a relay. The relay employs a cooperative and multicast amplify-and-forward protocol so that the two destinations can use the interfered signals in order to recover the desired packet. We analyze this protocol in terms of the achieved rate and present an algorithm to recover signals from the overlapped transmissions. We study the impact of overlapping in signal transmissions on the throughput of the system. We show that even with considerable overlapping, the throughput under the proposed protocol is better in comparison to an orthogonal amplify-and-forward protocol.en
dc.sourceIeee Transactions on Wireless Communicationsen
dc.source.uri<Go to ISI>://WOS:000283436800018
dc.subjectWireless networksen
dc.subjectcooperative systemsen
dc.subjectinterference cancelationen
dc.subjectnetwork codingen
dc.subjectEngineering, Electrical & Electronicen
dc.titleCooperative Protocol for Analog Network Coding in Distributed Wireless Networksen

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