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dc.creatorAoun, M.en
dc.creatorArgyriou, A.en
dc.description.abstractIn a number of application domains, the volatility of the environment where Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) should operate engenders time constraints on the generation, processing, and communication of sensory data. In this paper, we investigate the use of network coding and service reneging for the timely delivery of messages between wireless sensor nodes that utilize the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC/PHY standard. More specifically, we study the real-time performance of algebraic coding and traffic regulation under different traffic loads and for different timeliness requirements. Our simulation results indicate that both techniques can be on their own effective measures to improve on-time delivery of messages in overload conditions. An additional gain in performance is obtained when coding is carefully coupled with a traffic regulation based on proactive cleaning of transmission queues. ©2010 IEEE.en
dc.subjectNetwork codingen
dc.subjectPacket deadlinesen
dc.subjectQueue managementen
dc.subjectReal-time trafficen
dc.subjectSensor networksen
dc.subjectApplication domainsen
dc.subjectEffective measuresen
dc.subjectIEEE 802.15.4en
dc.subjectOn-time deliveryen
dc.subjectOverload conditionen
dc.subjectReal time performanceen
dc.subjectReal-time communicationen
dc.subjectSensory dataen
dc.subjectSimulation resulten
dc.subjectTime constraintsen
dc.subjectTraffic loadsen
dc.subjectTraffic regulationsen
dc.subjectWireless sensor nodeen
dc.subjectElectric network synthesisen
dc.subjectInformation theoryen
dc.subjectQueueing theoryen
dc.subjectSensor nodesen
dc.subjectTelecommunication equipmenten
dc.subjectWireless sensor networksen
dc.titleNetwork coding and service reneging for real-time communication in sensor networksen

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