Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Administration of moxidectin for treatment of sarcoptic mange in a flock of sheep
The treatment of a large flock (1529 sheep) infested with Sarcoptes scabiei is reported. All sheep of the flock were treated twice, 12 days apart, with moxidectin 1% injectable solution, given subcutaneously at 0.2 mg ...
Evaluation of the reaction of sheep during or after injection with moxidectin 1% injectable solution
Three hundred ewes were allocated into one of three groups; ewes in group A (n=100) were injected with 1 mi moxidectin 1% injectable solution, those in group B (n=100) with 1 mi ivermectin 1% injectable solution and those ...
Safety of moxidectin 1% injectable solution and 0.1% oral drench for lambs younger than one month
Two hundred lambs, 4-29 days old, were segregated into eight groups; lambs in Group A were injected with a single dose of moxidectin 1% inj. sol. (0.2 mg kg(-1) bodyweight), those in Group C were injected with a quadruple ...
The effect of experimentally induced subclinical mastitis on the milk yield of dairy ewes
In each of the two experiments, subclinical mastitis was induced by inoculating both mammary glands of Karagouniko and of Chios-cross ewes with a Staphylococcus epidermidis. After inoculation, the somatic cell counts of ...
Bacterial live vaccines with graded level of attenuation achieved by antibiotic resistance mutations: transduction experiments on the functional unit of resistance, attenuation and further accompanying markers
At least 10% of spontaneous chromosomal antibiotic resistant mutants of bacteria express a strain-dependent graded reduction of virulence; this correlates linearly with a prolonged generation time. Occasionally, these ...
Naturally occurring subclinical ovine mastitis associated with Listeria monocytogenes
Mammary infection with and faecal excretion of Listeria monocytogenes and somatic cell counts in milk were monitored in 98 ewes in a population of 335 in two flocks. From these 98 ewes, three samples were obtained throughout ...
Incidence risk and aetiology of mammary abnormalities in dry ewes in 10 flocks in Southern Greece
In a field investigation of 10 flocks in Southern Greece, 3367 dairy ewes were examined twice, in order to estimate the incidence risk and the aetiology of mammary abnormalities during the dry-period. Abnormal secretion, ...