Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.creatorΒερδελής, Ν.el
dc.description.abstractDuring the restoration of the West Wall at Tiryns in 1957 a deposit of Mycenaean pottery of unique importance was discovered. It consisted of a large quantity of pottery from a domestic context, in four strata belonging to a single period Late Helladic IIIB 2. This can be used as the basic evidence for identifying the pottery of this period. The painted pottery forms the subject of this report. The unpainted pottery has not yet been studied. Deep Bowls make up 65% of the total painted pottery. Two main groups can be distinguished. Group A ( PI. 1 - 2 ) have only fine linear decoration inside and outside and a simple uncrowded pattern zone ( Open Style ). Group B ( PI. 3 ) have heavy bands of paint outside, monochrome paint inside and a more crowded pattern zone ( Filled Style ). The decorative tendencies of these groups are discussed in detail and are given also in tabular form. It may be noted that the proportion of deep bowls of Group B increased from 4.5 to 13% from the earliest to the latest of the four strata. Stemmed Bowls ( 10% - PI. 4 ) and K r a t e r s ( 3% - PI. 6 ), are considered to be related in their system of decoration to deep bowls but to show certain distinct differences. The other open shapes include a type of S h a 11 o w Bowl ( PI. 6, 2, 3) previously thought rare on the greek mainland. This shape frequently has designs in added white on the bands of paint inside the bowl. A variety of other small Bowls ( PI. 6, 4. 5) as well as Mugs are represented. Handmade Bowls and Jugs ( PI. 6,6. 7) make up 3.5% of the total pottery. The commonest closed shape is a J u g or A m p h 0 r a ( 10% - PI. 6, i ) decorated with linear bands only. Other closed shapes represented are Stirrup Jars ( 5% - PI. 5, 2. 3), Piriform Jars and patterned Jugs ( PI. 5, 4 ). The stirrup jars are of the small globular type and have both a patterned shoulder and a patterned body zone. In conclusion it is considered that this pottery agrees well with that already known but because of its quantity, suitable for statistical analysis, it offers vital new evidence of the range of shapes and the details of design.en
dc.publisherΥπηρεσία Αρχαιοτήτων και Αναστηλώσεωςel
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalen
dc.subjectArchaeology - Archeologyen
dc.subjectGreece - Argolis - Tirynsen
dc.subjectΕλλάδα - Αργολίδα - Τίρυνθαel
dc.titleΤίρυνς: Μυκηναϊκή επίχωσις έξωθεν του δυτικού τείχους της ακροπόλεωςel
heal.recordProviderΠανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας - Βιβλιοθήκη και Κέντρο Πληροφόρησηςel
heal.journalNameΑρχαιολογικόν Δελτίονel
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationΑρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, 1965, Τόμος 20, Μελέται/Μέρος Α', 137-152.el

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Zur Kurzanzeige

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