Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Design and functionalities of a Hybrid Personalized Learning Electronic Assistant 

      Mallios N., Vassilakopoulos M. (2016)
      Throughout the last decade a number of Personalized Learning Environments have been proposed encompassing various personalization techniques, in order to provide learning material adapted to the specified user's requirements. ...
    • Dialogue-based personalized reflective learning 

      Grigoriadou, M.; Tsaganou, G.; Cavoura, T. (2004)
      The Web-Based Reflective Tutorial Dialogue System (W-ReTuDiS) is a system for personalized learning of historical text comprehension on the Web. The system offers a two level open interface: tutor level and learner level. ...
    • Use of the curiosity cabinet metaphor to support inclusive learning 

      Charlton P., Preston A., Karagiannidis C., Kouroupetroglou C., Grenon M., Handschuh S., Koumpis A. (2016)
      Our idea relates to the combination of emerging HCI technologies such as Virtual and Mixed Reality and an innovative Question and Answering (Q&A) system with already existing concepts of spatial learning and inquiry-based ...