Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Accurate, dynamic, and distributed localization of phenomena for mobile sensor networks 

      Anagnostopoulos C., Hadjiefthymiades S., Kolomvatsos K. (2016)
      We present a robust, dynamic scheme for the automatic self-deployment and relocation of mobile sensor nodes (e.g., unmanned ground vehicles, robots) around areas where phenomena take place. Our scheme aims (i) to sense ...
    • Automatic steering control of unmanned vehicles 

      Koumboulis, F. N.; Skarpetis, M. G. (2000)
      The problem of robust automatic steering of an autonomous unmanned vehicle is studied. The problem is solved using a robust P-D feedback controller feeding back the path error and the front steering angle. The design goal ...
    • Multi - Objective robust control for 4WS cars 

      Skarpetis, M. G.; Koumboulis, F. N. (2000)
      The problem of robust regional stabilization with simultaneous robust triangular decoupling (RRSRTD) for a four wheel steering car (4WS) is studied. First the robust triangular technique is applied to the 4WS car in order ...