Browsing by Subject "tebuconazole"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Assessment of the impact of three pesticides on microbial dynamics and functions in a lab-to-field experimental approach
(2018)The toxicity of pesticides on soil microorganisms is as an emerging area of concern. Novel and well-standardized tools could be now used to provide a robust assessment of the ecotoxicity of pesticides on soil microorganisms. ... -
Dissipation and adsorption of isoproturon, tebuconazole, chlorpyrifos and their main transformation products under laboratory and field conditions
(2016)Assessment of dissipation constitutes an integral part of pesticides risk assessment since it provides an estimate of the level and the duration of exposure of the terrestrial ecosystem to pesticides. Within the frame of ... -
The dissipation and microbial ecotoxicity of tebuconazole and its transformation products in soil under standard laboratory and simulated winter conditions
(2018)Tebuconazole (TBZ) is a widely used triazole fungicide at EU level on cereals and vines. It is relatively persistent in soil where it is transformed to various transformation products (TPs) which might be environmentally ... -
Identification and characterization of tebuconazole transformation products in soil by combining suspect screening and molecular typology
(2016)Pesticides generate transformation products (TPs) when they are released into the environment. These TPs may be of ecotoxicological importance. Past studies have demonstrated how difficult it is to predict the occurrence ... -
Lab to field assessment of the ecotoxicological impact of chlorpyrifos, isoproturon, or tebuconazole on the diversity and composition of the soil bacterial community
(2018)Pesticides are intentionally applied to agricultural fields for crop protection. They can harm non-target organisms such as soil microorganisms involved in important ecosystem functions with impacts at the global scale. ...