Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "suspended particulate matter"
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Environmental variation and macrofauna response in a coastal area influenced by land runoff
(2013)Macrofauna community interactions with environmental variables in the water column (salinity, temperature, turbidity, transparency, suspended particulate matter, particulate organic matter, choloroplastic pigments) and in ... -
Health impacts due to particulate air pollution in Volos City, Greece
(2016)There is great consensus among the scientific community that suspended particulate matter is considered as one of the most harmful pollutants, particularly the inhalable particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less ... -
Optimum design of the entrance of a fishpond laterally to the main stream of an open channel
(2017)In this study, the optimum design of the entrance of a fishpond laterally to the main flow of an open channel was investigated numerically and experimentally. The flow characteristic measurements were realized with the PIV ... -
Potentially toxic elements exposure biomonitoring in the elderly around the largest polymetallic rare earth ore mining and smelting area in China
(2022)Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) can be released during mining operations and ore processing. The pollution and health risk related to PTEs in total suspended particulates (TSPs) around the largest polymetallic rare earth ... -
Skeletal linear extension rates of the foliose scleractinian coral Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander, 1786) in a turbid environment
(2009)Skeletal linear extension rates of a foliaceous, IndoPacific, skiophilous, heterotrophic, scleractinian Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander 1786) were obtained along a sediment/nutrient load gradient at the southern islands ...