• Effective strategies for childhood obesity prevention via school based, family involved interventions: A critical review for the development of the Feel4Diabetes-study school based component 

      Lambrinou C.-P., Androutsos O., Karaglani E., Cardon G., Huys N., Wikström K., Kivelä J., Ko W., Karuranga E., Tsochev K., Iotova V., Dimova R., De Miguel-Etayo P., Gonzalez-Gil E.Mª., Tamás H., Jancsó Z., Liatis S., Makrilakis K., Manios Y., Cardon G., Lindström J., Schwarz P., Makrilakis K., Annemans L., Garamendi I., Karatzi K., Androutsos O., Moschonis G., Kanellakis S., Mavrogianni C., Tsoutsoulopoulou K., Katsarou C., Karaglani E., Qira I., Skoufas E., Maragkopoulou K., Tsiafitsa A., Sotiropoulou I., Tsolakos M., Argyri E., Nikolaou M., Vampouli E.-A., Filippou C., Apergi K., Filippou A., Katerina G., Dimitriadis E., Lindström J., Laatikainen T., Wikström K., Hovi P., Kivelä J., Valve P., Levälahti E., Virtanen E., Cardon G., Van Stappen V., Huys N., Annemans L., Willems R., Shadid S., Schwarz P., Timpel P., Makrilakis K., Liatis S., Dafoulas G., Lambrinou C.-P., Giannopoulou A., Rabemananjara L., De Sabata M.S., Ko W., Garamendi I., Moreno L., Civeira F., Bueno G., De Miguel-Etayo P., Miguel-Berges M.L., Giménez-Legarre N., Flores-Barrantes P., Ayala-Marín A.M., Seral-Cortés M., Baila-Rueda L., Cenarro A., Jarauta E., Mateo-Gallego R., Tankova T., Usheva N., Tsochev K., Chakarova N., Galcheva S., Dimova R., Bocheva Y., Radkova Z., Marinova V., Bazdarska Y., Stefanova T., Rurik I., Ungvari T., Jancsó Z., Nánási A., Kolozsvári L., Semánova C., Bíró É., Antal E., Radó S., Martinez R., Tong M. (2020)
      Background: Although there are many interventions targeting childhood obesity prevention, only few have demonstrated positive results. The current review aimed to gather and evaluate available school-based intervention ...
    • Factorial Validity and Measurement Invariance of the Principal Leadership Questionnaire in Greek Educational Context 

      Gkolia A., Tsigilis N., Evangelou M., Koustelios A. (2022)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate the applicability of the Principal Leadership Questionnaire (PLQ) to Greek educational context and to present the most important aspects describing educational leadership in a ...
    • Promoting physical activity during school closures imposed by the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic: Physical education teachers’ behaviors in france, italy and turkey 

      Gobbi E., Maltagliati S., Sarrazin P., Di Fronso S., Colangelo A., Cheval B., Escriva-Boulley G., Tessier D., Demirhan G., Erturan G., Yüksel Y., Papaioannou A., Bertollo M., Carraro A. (2020)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically reduced physical activity (PA) behaviors of many people. Physical education (PE) is considered one of the privileged instruments to promote youths’ PA. We aimed to investigate the ...