Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Effect of pomegranate juice consumption on biochemical parameters and complete blood count 

      Manthou E., Georgakouli K., Deli C.K., Sotiropoulos A., Fatouros I.G., Kouretas D., Haroutounian S., Matthaiou C., Koutedakis Y., Jamurtas A.Z. (2017)
      Pomegranate has been used therapeutically for centuries. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of pomegranate juice (PJ) supplementation on complete blood count (CBC), glucose, blood lipids and C-reactive ...
    • Histograms of Complete Blood Counts in Dogs: Maximizing Diagnostic Information 

      Athanasiou L.V., Tsokana C.N., Pardali D., Moraitou K.A. (2018)
      Histograms, which are an integral part of the automated complete blood count, are now available through most of the automatic hematology analyzers used in veterinary clinical practice. Data concerning the size and number ...