• Clinical features and outcomes of patients with tubercular uveitis treated with antitubercular therapy in the collaborative ocular tuberculosis study (COTS)-1 

      Agrawal R., Gunasekeran D.V., Grant R., Agarwal A., Kon O.M., Nguyen Q.D., Pavesio C., Gupta V., Gupta B., Aggarwal K., Murthy S.L., Westcott M., Phaik C.S., McCluskey P., Ling H.S., Teoh S., Cimino L., Biswas J., Narain S., Agarwal M., Mahendradas P., Khairallah M., Jones N., Tugal-Tutkun I., Babu K., Basu S., Carreño E., Lee R., Al-Dhibi H., Bodaghi B., Invernizzi A., Goldstein D.A., Herbort C.P., Barisani T., González-López J.J., Androudi S., Bansal R., Moharana B., Mahajan S., Esposti S., Tasiopoulou A., Nadarajah S., Agarwal M., Abraham S., Vala R., Singh R., Sharma A., Sharma K., Zierhut M., Raje D., Cunningham E., Kempen J., Collaborative Ocular Tuberculosis Study (COTS)-1 Study Group (2017)
      IMPORTANCE Eradication of systemic tuberculosis (TB) has been limited by neglected populations and the HIV pandemic. Whereas ocular TB often presents as uveitis without any prior evidence of systemic TB, the existing ...
    • Exercise stress testing: Time to restart in nuclear cardiology? 

      Angelidis G., Valotassiou V., Psimadas D., Georgoulias P. (2020)
      [No abstract available]