• Characterizing miRNA–lncRNA Interplay 

      Karagkouni D., Karavangeli A., Paraskevopoulou M.D., Hatzigeorgiou A.G. (2021)
      Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are noncoding transcripts, usually longer than 200 nt, that constitute one of the largest and significantly heterogeneous RNA families. The annotation of lncRNAs and the characterization of ...
    • Microcirculation-mediated preconditioning and intracellular hypothermia 

      Chalkias A., Mamais I., Xanthos T. (2018)
      Microcirculation is a network of perfused capillaries that connects macrocirculation with the cells. Although research has provided insight into microcirculatory blood flow, our knowledge remains limited. In this article, ...
    • Proteomic analysis of human angiogenin interactions reveals cytoplasmic PCNA as a putative binding partner 

      Chatzileontiadou D.S.M., Samiotaki M., Alexopoulou A.N., Cotsiki M., Panayotou G., Stamatiadi M., Balatsos N.A.A., Leonidas D.D., Kontou M. (2017)
      Human Angiogenin (hAng) is a member of the ribonuclease A superfamily and a potent inducer of neovascularization. Protein interactions of hAng in the nucleus and cytoplasm of the human umbilical vein cell line EA.hy926 ...