Parcourir par sujet "internal transcribed spacer"
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First evidence of Leishmania infection in European brown hare (Lepus europaeus) in Greece: GIS analysis and phylogenetic position within the Leishmania spp
(2016)Although the existence of a sylvatic transmission cycle of Leishmania spp., independent from the domestic cycle, has been proposed, data are scarce on Leishmania infection in wild mammals in Greece. In this study, we aimed ... -
First report of uncinaria hamiltoni in orphan eastern mediterranean monk seal pups in greece and its clinical significance
(2021)The Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) is classified by the IUCN as “endangered,” with a global population estimated to number fewer than 800 individuals. Our understanding of the biology and health status of the ... -
Microbial diversity in biodeteriorated Greek historical documents dating back to the 19th and 20th century: A case study
(2018)Paper documents in archives, libraries, and museums often undergo biodeterioration by microorganisms. Fungi and less often bacteria have been described to advance paper staining, so called “foxing” and degradation of paper ...