Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "interleukin 13"
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Effect of cocoa products and its polyphenolic constituents on exercise performance and exercise-induced muscle damage and inflammation: A review of clinical trials
(2019)In recent years, the consumption of chocolate and, in particular, dark chocolate has been “rehabilitated” due to its high content of cocoa antioxidant polyphenols. Although it is recognized that regular exercise improves ... -
Epigenetic regulation of apoptosis via the PARK7 interactome in peripheral blood mononuclear cells donated by tuberculosis patients vs. healthy controls and the response to treatment: A systems biology approach
(2020)Aims: The aims of our study were to determine for the first time differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and enriched molecular pathways involving the PARK7 interactome in PBMCs donated from tuberculosis patients. Methods: ... -
Microbiome in multiple sclerosis; where are we, what we know and do not know
(2020)An increase of multiple sclerosis (MS) incidence has been reported during the last decade, and this may be connected to environmental factors. This review article aims to encapsulate the current advances targeting the study ... -
The role of B cells in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis
(2016)Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by extensive collagen deposition, microvasculopathy and autoantibodies. All three features can be promoted by activation of T cells and B cells. T cells are of Th2 type producing ... -
T-cells and B-cells in systemic sclerosis
(2010)Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by activation of fibroblasts with extensive deposition of collagen, by small vessel vasculopathy with fibrointimal proliferation, and activation of the immune system, with hyper-γ- ...