• Deficiency of the B cell-activating factor receptor results in limited CD169+ macrophage function during viral infection 

      Xu, H. C.; Huang, J.; Khairnar, V.; Duhan, V.; Pandyra, A. A.; Grusdat, M.; Shinde, P.; McIlwain, D. R.; Maney, S. K.; Gommerman, J.; Löhning, M.; Ohashi, P. S.; Mak, T. W.; Pieper, K.; Sic, H.; Speletas, M.; Eibel, H.; Ware, C. F.; Tumanov, A. V.; Kruglov, A. A.; Nedospasov, S. A.; Häusinger, D.; Recher, M.; Lang, K. S.; Lang, P. A. (2015)
      The B cell-activating factor (BAFF) is critical for B cell development and humoral immunity in mice and humans. While the role of BAFF in B cells has been widely described, its role in innate immunity remains unknown. Using ...
    • Lamivudine plus interleukin-12 combination therapy in chronic hepatitis B: Antiviral and immunological activity 

      Rigopoulou, E. I.; Suri, D.; Chokshi, S.; Mullerova, I.; Rice, S.; Tedder, R. S.; Williams, R.; Naoumov, N. V. (2005)
      Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is an immunomodulatory cytokine that promotes cellular immunity. Pre-clinical data suggest that IL-12 inhibits hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication by stimulating interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production. ...