Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Aspects of hereditary angioedema genotyping in the era of NGS: The case of F12 gene [Wybrane aspekty genotypowania wrodzonego obrzȩku naczynioruchowego w erze NGS: Gen F12] 

      Vatsiou S., Zamanakou M., Loules G., González-Quevedo T., Porȩbski G., Juchacz A., Bova M., Suffritti C., Firinu D., Csuka D., Manousakis E., Valerieva A., Staevska M., Magerl M., Farkas H., Germenis A.E. (2018)
      Objective. To screen a cohort of patients diagnosed with non-FXII angioedema for carriage of variants of F12 gene. Material and methods. DNA samples from 191 patients suffering from primary angioedema with normal C1-INH, ...
    • International Consensus on the Use of Genetics in the Management of Hereditary Angioedema 

      Germenis A.E., Margaglione M., Pesquero J.B., Farkas H., Cichon S., Csuka D., Lera A.L., Rijavec M., Jolles S., Szilagyi A., Trascasa M.L., Veronez C.L., Drouet C., Zamanakou M., Andrejevic S., Aygören-Pürsün E., Bara N.-A., Bernstein J., Bork K., Bouillet L., Bova M., Boysen H.H., Bygum A., Caballero T., Castaldo A., Christiansen S., Cicardi M., Fabiani J., Katelaris C., Dewald G., Gökmen N.M., Gonzalez-Quevedo M.T., Gooi J., Grivcheva-Panovska V., Grumach A., Hakl R., Hardy G., Jesenak M., Kaplan A., Kirschfink M., Köhalmi K.V., Leibovich I., Longhurst H.J., Lumry W., Magerl M., Saguer I.M., Nagy I.B., Nieto S., Nordenfelt P., Porębski G., Psarros F., Reshef A., Riedl M.A., Sheikh F., Peter S., Speletas M., Staevska M., Stobiecki M., Triggiani M., Veszeli N., Waserman S., Weber C., Wuillemin W., Zuraw B. (2020)
      Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is becoming much more genetically complex than was initially considered. Thus, the role of HAE genetics is expanding beyond research laboratories, and the genotyping of subjects suffering from ...
    • A novel deep intronic SERPING1 variant as a cause of hereditary angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency 

      Vatsiou S., Zamanakou M., Loules G., Psarros F., Parsopoulou F., Csuka D., Valerieva A., Staevska M., Porebski G., Obtulowicz K., Magerl M., Maurer M., Speletas M., Farkas H., Germenis A.E. (2020)
      Background: In about 5% of patients with hereditary angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-HAE) no mutation in the SERPING1 gene is detected. Methods: C1-INH-HAE cases with no mutation in the coding region of ...