• Prognostic significance of tumor genotypes and CD8+ infiltrates in stage I-III colorectal cancer 

      Fountzilas E., Kotoula V., Tikas I., Manousou K., Papadopoulou K., Poulios C., Karavasilis V., Efstratiou I., Pectasides D., Papaparaskeva K., Varthalitis I., Christodoulou C., Papatsibas G., Chrisafi S., Glantzounis G.K., Psyrri A., Aravantinos G., Koliou G.-A., Koukoulis G.K., Pentheroudakis G.E., Fountzilas G. (2018)
      Background: We explored the clinical significance of tumor genotypes and immunophenotypes in non-metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: In primary tumors (paraffin blocks) from 412 CRC patients treated with adjuvant ...
    • The proteasome as a target for cancer treatment: Focus on bortezomib 

      Papandreou, C. N. (2005)
      Targeted degradation of key regulatory proteins is an essential element of cell-cycle control. The proteasome plays a pivotal role in the degradation of such proteins and has, therefore, become an important therapeutic ...