Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "cytoskeleton"
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Bone mineral density and genetic markers involved in three connected pathways (focal adhesion, actin cytoskeleton regulation and cell cycle): The CUMAGAS-BMD information system
(2011)The focal adhesion, the actin cytoskeleton and cell-cycle are connected pathways and their genes are implicated in the pathogenesis of low BMD. Data from 211 studies that investigated the association between BMD and gene ... -
Evidence of deregulated cholesterol efflux in abdominal aortic aneurysm
(2016)Previous studies indicated that lipids may be associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA); however the molecular mechanism involved is unclear. Our study aimed to investigate the expression pattern of cholesterol efflux ... -
Glucose Derivative Induced Vasculopathy in Children on Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis
(2021)RATIONALE: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have an exceedingly high cardiovascular risk; which further increases in patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD). The pathophysiological role of reactive metabolites ... -
Mammary defences and immunity against mastitis in sheep
(2019)The objectives of this review paper are to present udder defences, including teat of the udder, mammary epithelial cells, leucocytes, immunoglobulins, complement systemand chemical antibacterial agents, to describe cooperation ... -
Responses of the Mediterranean seagrass Cymodocea nodosa to combined temperature and salinity stress at the ionomic, transcriptomic, ultrastructural and photosynthetic levels
(2022)The Little Neptune grass Cymodocea nodosa is a key seagrass species in the Mediterranean Sea, forming extensive and patchy meadows in shallow coastal and transitional ecosystems. In such habitats, high temperatures and ...