Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • First Results From a Propensity Matching Trial of Mycophenolate Mofetil vs. Azathioprine in Treatment-Naive AIH Patients 

      Dalekos G.N., Arvaniti P., Gatselis N.K., Samakidou A., Gabeta S., Rigopoulou E., Koukoulis G.K., Zachou K. (2022)
      Background/Aims: As previous real-world studies and meta-analyses have shown that mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) might have better efficacy than azathioprine (AZA) in autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), we conducted a propensity ...
    • Systematic review of response criteria and endpoints in autoimmune hepatitis by the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group 

      Pape S., Snijders R.J.A.L.M., Gevers T.J.G., Chazouilleres O., Dalekos G.N., Hirschfield G.M., Lenzi M., Trauner M., Manns M.P., Vierling J.M., Montano-Loza A.J., Lohse A.W., Schramm C., Drenth J.P.H., Heneghan M.A., Almasio P., Alvarez F., Andrade R., Arikan C., Assis D., Bardou-Jacquet E., Biewenga M., Cancado E., Cazzagon N., Chazouillères O., Colloredo G., Cuarterolo M., Dalekos G., Debray D., Robles-Díaz M., Drenth J., Dyson J., Efe C., Engel B., Ferri S., Fontana R., Gatselis N., Gerussi A., Halilbasic E., Halliday N., Heneghan M., Hirschfield G., van Hoek B., Hørby Jørgensen M., Indolfini G., Iorio R., Jeong S., Jones D., Kelly D., Kerkar N., Lacaille F., Lammert C., Leggett B., Lenzi M., Levy C., Liberal R., Lleo A., Lohse A., Ines Lopez S., de Martin E., McLin V., Mieli-Vergani G., Milkiewicz P., Mohan N., Muratori L., Nebbia G., van Nieuwkerk C., Oo Y., Ortega A., Páres A., Pop T., Pratt D., Purnak T., Ranucci G., Rushbrook S., Schramm C., Stättermayer A., Swain M., Tanaka A., Taubert R., Terrabuio D., Terziroli B., Trauner M., Valentino P., van den Brand F., Villamil A., Wahlin S., Ytting H., Zachou K., Zeniya M., International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group (IAIHG) collaborators (2022)
      Background & Aims: Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) has been well characterised and codified through the development of diagnostic criteria. These criteria have been adapted and simplified and are widely used in clinical practice. ...
    • Use of TNFα antagonists in refractory AIH: Revealing the unforeseen 

      Saitis, A.; Gatselis, N.; Zachou, K.; Dalekos, G. N. (2013)