Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Convolutional neural networks for toxic comment classification 

      Georgakopoulos S.V., Vrahatis A.G., Tasoulis S.K., Plagianakos V.P. (2018)
      Flood of information is produced in a daily basis through the global internet usage arising from the online interactive communications among users. While this situation contributes significantly to the quality of human ...
    • TarMiner: Automatic extraction of miRNA targets from literature 

      Tsoupidi R.-M., Kanellos I., Vergoulis T., Vlachos I.S., Hatzigeorgiou A.G., Dalamagas T. (2015)
      MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules that tar-get particular genes and prohibit their expression. Since many important diseases are related to the expression or non-expression of particular genes, knowing the miRNAs ...