Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • The EvoGen benchmark suite for evolving RDF data 

      Meimaris M., Papastefanatos G. (2016)
      Artificial and synthetic data are widely used for benchmarking and evaluating database, storage and query engines. This is usually performed in static contexts with no evolution in the data. In the context of evolution ...
    • EvoGen: A generator for synthetic versioned RDF 

      Meimaris M. (2016)
      Synthetic data are widely used for evaluation, testing, and experimentation. However, there is a lack of systems, tools and datasets that can be used for benchmarking in the context of evolution. In the case of RDF, ...
    • An intelligent tool for anatomical object segmentation using deformable surfaces 

      Delibasis, K. K.; Christodoulidis, A.; Maglogiannis, I. (2012)
      Image segmentation is a very active area of research in machine vision. In this work, an innovative methodology is presented that allows the segmentation of objects in three-dimensional images with initial user intervention. ...
    • A tractography algorithm for MR diffusion tensor imaging based on minimum-cost path 

      Aronis C., Delibasis K., Fanariotis M., Maglogiannis I. (2016)
      Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is a powerful technique for studying tissue connectivity that starts to find routine clinical use in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), primarily in the brain. The extraction of tracts is an ...