Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • 5G-XHaul: A Novel Wireless-Optical SDN Transport Network to Support Joint 5G Backhaul and Fronthaul Services 

      Camps-Mur D., Gutiérrez J., Grass E., Tzanakaki A., Flegkas P., Choumas K., Giatsios D., Beldachi A.F., Diallo T., Zou J., Legg P., Bartelt J., Chaudhary J.K., Betzler A., Aleixendri J.J., González R., Simeonidou D. (2019)
      The increased carrier bandwidth and the number of antenna elements expected in 5G networks require a redesign of the traditional IP-based backhaul and CPRI-based fronthaul interfaces used in 4G networks. We envision future ...
    • Wireless-optical network convergence: Enabling the 5G architecture to support operational and end-user services 

      Tzanakaki A., Anastasopoulos M., Berberana I., Syrivelis D., Flegkas P., Korakis T., Mur D.C., Demirkol I., Gutierrez J., Grass E., Wei Q., Pateromichelakis E., Vucic N., Fehske A., Grieger M., Eiselt M., Bartelt J., Fettweis G., Lyberopoulos G., Theodoropoulou E., Simeonidou D. (2017)
      This article presents a converged 5G network infrastructure and an overarching architecture to jointly support operational network and end-user services, proposed by the EU 5G PPP project 5G-XHaul. The 5G-XHaul infrastructure ...