• The effect of coagulation on the toxicity and mutagenicity of reclaimed municipal effluents 

      Petala, M.; Samaras, P.; Kungolos, A.; Zouboulis, A.; Papadopoulos, A.; Sakellaropoulos, G. P. (2006)
      The objectives of this work were the assessment of the effectiveness of coagulation on the reclamation of secondary effluents and the evaluation of the quality of reclaimed waters by the examination of their ecotoxic and ...
    • MacroDevelopment of an assay to assess genotoxicity by particulate matter extract 

      Priftis A., Papikinos K., Koukoulanaki M., Kerasioti E., Stagos D., Konstantinopoulos K., Spandidos D.A., Kermenidou M., Karakitsios S., Sarigiannis D., Tsatsakis A.M., Kouretas D. (2017)
      The current study describes a method for assessing the oxidative potential of common environmental stressors (ambient air particulate matter), using a plasmid relaxation assay where the extract caused single-strand breaks, ...