• Magnetic resonance morphometry of the adult normal lumbar intervertebral space 

      Fyllos A.H., Arvanitis D.L., Karantanas A.H., Varitimidis S.E., Hantes M., Zibis A.H. (2018)
      Purpose: This study aims to: (a) quantify and evaluate normal relationships between neighboring spinal units using MR imaging indices, (b) propose an easy-to-apply-and-reproduce method of estimating the correct amount of ...
    • Rare SLC13A1 variants associate with intervertebral disc disorder highlighting role of sulfate in disc pathology 

      Bjornsdottir G., Stefansdottir L., Thorleifsson G., Sulem P., Norland K., Ferkingstad E., Oddsson A., Zink F., Lund S.H., Nawaz M.S., Bragi Walters G., Skuladottir A.T., Gudjonsson S.A., Einarsson G., Halldorsson G.H., Bjarnadottir V., Sveinbjornsson G., Helgadottir A., Styrkarsdottir U., Gudmundsson L.J., Pedersen O.B., Hansen T.F., Werge T., Banasik K., Troelsen A., Skou S.T., Thørner L.W., Erikstrup C., Nielsen K.R., Mikkelsen S., Andersen S., Brunak S., Burgdorf K., Hjalgrim H., Jemec G., Jennum P., Johansson P.I., Nielsen K.R., Nyegaard M., Bruun M.T., Pedersen O.B., Dinh K.M., Sørensen E., Ostrowski S., Johansson P.I., Gudbjartsson D., Stefánsson H., Þorsteinsdóttir U., Larsen M.A.H., Didriksen M., Sækmose S., Zeggini E., Hatzikotoulas K., Southam L., Gilly A., Barysenka A., van Meurs J.B.J., Boer C.G., Uitterlinden A.G., Styrkársdóttir U., Stefánsdóttir L., Jonsson H., Ingvarsson T., Esko T., Mägi R., Teder-Laving M., Ikegawa S., Terao C., Takuwa H., Meulenbelt I., Coutinho de Almeida R., Kloppenburg M., Tuerlings M., Slagboom P.E., Nelissen R.R.G.H.H., Valdes A.M., Mangino M., Tsezou A., Zengini E., Alexiadis G., Babis G.C., Cheah K.S.E., Wu T.T., Samartzis D., Cheung J.P.Y., Sham P.C., Kraft P., Kang J.H., Hveem K., Zwart J.-A., Luetge A., Skogholt A.H., Johnsen M.B., Thomas L.F., Winsvold B., Gabrielsen M.E., Lee M.T.M., Zhang Y., Lietman S.A., Shivakumar M., Smith G.D., Tobias J.H., Hartley A., Gaunt T.R., Zheng J., Wilkinson J.M., Steinberg J., Morris A.P., Jonsdottir I., Bjornsson A., Olafsson I.H., Ulfarsson E., Blondal J., Vikingsson A., Brunak S., Ostrowski S.R., Ullum H., Thorsteinsdottir U., Stefansson H., Gudbjartsson D.F., Thorgeirsson T.E., Stefansson K., DBDS Genetic Consortium, GO Consortium (2022)
      Back pain is a common and debilitating disorder with largely unknown underlying biology. Here we report a genome-wide association study of back pain using diagnoses assigned in clinical practice; dorsalgia (119,100 cases, ...
    • Restoration of the degenerated cervical intervertebral space: how much should we distract? A magnetic resonance imaging study 

      Fyllos A.H., Zibis A.H., Banios K., Mitrousias V.D., Karantanas A.H., Markou A.S., Mangiavini L., Luceri F. (2020)
      The aim of the study was to quantify normal cervical disc space measurements and to generate a normal values’ database. Furthermore, during operative restoration of a degenerated intervertebral disc, it is difficult to ...
    • Vertebrae, IVD and spinal canal boundary extraction on MRI, utilizing CT-trained active shape models 

      Liaskos M., Savelonas M.A., Asvestas P.A., Papageorgiou D., Matsopoulos G.K. (2021)
      Purpose: Vertebrae, intervertebral disc (IVD) and spinal canal (SC) displacements are in the root of several spinal cord pathologies. The localization and boundary extraction of these structures, along with the quantification ...