• Federation of internet of things testbeds for the realization of a semantically-enabled multi-domain data marketplace 

      Sánchez L., Lanza J., Santana J.R., Agarwal R., Raverdy P.G., Elsaleh T., Fathy Y., Jeong S., Dadoukis A., Korakis T., Keranidis S., O’brien P., Horgan J., Sacchetti A., Mastandrea G., Fragkiadakis A., Charalampidis P., Seydoux N., Ecrepont C., Zhao M. (2018)
      The Internet of Things (IoT) concept has attracted a lot of attention from the research and innovation community for a number of years already. One of the key drivers for this hype towards the IoT is its applicability to ...