Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Electricity"
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Bioethanol steam reforming over Pt and Ag in an electrochemical CSTR reactor
(2005)The environmental problems caused by the intensive use of fossil fuels-as well as their limited availability- are increasingly demanding a more rational use of our energy resources. Among the various fuels which can be ... -
The impact of economic growth on environmental efficiency of the electricity sector: A hybrid window DEA methodology for the USA
(2018)This paper estimates the efficiency of the power generation sector in the USA by using Window Data Envelopment Analysis (W-DEA). We integrate radial and non-radial efficiency measurements in DEA using the hybrid measure ... -
Impact of emissions cost on the mid-term generation scheduling in the Greek Electricity Market
(2010)The EU Emissions Trading Scheme, Europe's main mechanism for implementing EU climate policy, is driving thermal electricity generation units to incorporate their emissions cost into their variable costs. In this paper, we ... -
On the design of electricity auctions with non-convexities and make-whole payments
(2013)Electricity markets that allow the generation units to submit multi-part bids and take into account the technical characteristics of these units are characterized by non-convexities. Such market designs, when operated under ... -
A recovery mechanism with loss-related profits in a day-ahead electricity market with non-convexities
(2011)In wholesale electricity markets, unit commitment costs and capacity constraints create non-convexities which may bring about losses to some of the participating generation units. To keep the losing units in the market, a ...