• Consensus statement from the international consensus meeting on post-traumatic cranioplasty 

      Iaccarino C., Kolias A., Adelson P.D., Rubiano A.M., Viaroli E., Buki A., Cinalli G., Fountas K., Khan T., Signoretti S., Waran V., Adeleye A.O., Amorim R., Bertuccio A., Cama A., Chesnut R.M., De Bonis P., Estraneo A., Figaji A., Florian S.I., Formisano R., Frassanito P., Gatos C., Germanò A., Giussani C., Hossain I., Kasprzak P., La Porta F., Lindner D., Maas A.I.R., Paiva W., Palma P., Park K.B., Peretta P., Pompucci A., Posti J., Sengupta S.K., Sinha A., Sinha V., Stefini R., Talamonti G., Tasiou A., Zona G., Zucchelli M., Hutchinson P.J., Servadei F. (2021)
      Background: Due to the lack of high-quality evidence which has hindered the development of evidence-based guidelines, there is a need to provide general guidance on cranioplasty (CP) following traumatic brain injury (TBI), ...
    • Repetitive use of levosimendan in advanced heart failure: need for stronger evidence in a field in dire need of a useful therapy 

      Pölzl G., Altenberger J., Baholli L., Beltrán P., Borbély A., Comin-Colet J., Delgado J.F., Fedele F., Fontana A., Fruhwald F., Giamouzis G., Giannakoulas G., Garcia-González M.J., Gustafsson F., Kaikkonen K., Kivikko M., Kubica J., von Lewinski D., Löfman I., Malfatto G., Manito N., Martínez-Sellés M., Masip J., Merkely B., Morandi F., Mølgaard H., Oliva F., Pantev E., Papp Z., Perna G.P., Pfister R., Piazza V., Bover R., Rangel-Sousa D., Recio-Mayoral A., Reinecke A., Rieth A., Sarapohja T., Schmidt G., Seidel M., Störk S., Vrtovec B., Wikström G., Yerly P., Pollesello P. (2017)
      Patients in the latest stages of heart failure are severely compromised, with poor quality of life and frequent hospitalizations. Heart transplantation and left ventricular assist device implantation are viable options ...