Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Carcinogenic risk"
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Hazardous enrichment of toxic elements in soils and olives in the urban zone of Lavrio, Greece, a legacy, millennia-old silver/lead mining area and related health risk assessment
(2022)Lavrio is a Greek town with several abandoned Ag/Pb mines. In this study, 19 potentially toxic elements (PTEs) were measured in soil, weeds, and olives. Levels of seven of the studied PTEs in soil were highly elevated: Zn ... -
Potentially toxic elements exposure biomonitoring in the elderly around the largest polymetallic rare earth ore mining and smelting area in China
(2022)Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) can be released during mining operations and ore processing. The pollution and health risk related to PTEs in total suspended particulates (TSPs) around the largest polymetallic rare earth ...