Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Calorimetry"
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Aging Impairs Whole-Body Heat Loss in Women under Both Dry and Humid Heat Stress
(2017)Purpose This study was designed to determine whether age-related impairments in whole-body heat loss, which are known to exist in dry heat, also occur in humid heat in women. Methods To evaluate this possibility, 10 young ... -
Do the threshold limit values for work in hot conditions adequately protect workers?
(2016)Purpose We evaluated core temperature responses and the change in body heat content (ΔH b) during work performed according to the ACGIH threshold limit values (TLV) for heat stress, which are designed to ensure a stable ... -
The recommended threshold limit values for heat exposure fail to maintain body core temperature within safe limits in older working adults
(2017)Purpose: The American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®) Threshold Limit Values (TLV® guidelines) for work in the heat consist of work-rest (WR) allocations designed to ensure a stable core ... -
Revisiting the influence of individual factors on heat exchange during exercise in dry heat using direct calorimetry
(2019)New Findings: What is the central question of this study? The aim was to identify the greatest contributor(s) to the variation in whole-body heat exchange, as assessed using direct calorimetry, among young men and women ... -
Thermodynamic, crystallographic and computational studies of non-mammalian fatty acid binding to bovine β-Lactoglobulin
(2018)The milk protein β-lactoglobulin has been widely studied since its discovery, both as a purified protein and in mixtures with other milk proteins, where its effect on the processing properties is of importance to the dairy ...