• Genomics of habitat choice and adaptive evolution in a deep-sea fish 

      Gaither M.R., Gkafas G.A., De Jong M., Sarigol F., Neat F., Regnier T., Moore D., Gröcke D.R., Hall N., Liu X., Kenny J., Lucaci A., Hughes M., Haldenby S., Hoelzel A.R. (2018)
      Intraspecific diversity promotes evolutionary change, and when partitioned among geographic regions or habitats can form the basis for speciation. Marine species live in an environment that can provide as much scope for ...
    • NAT/NCS2-hound: a webserver for the detection and evolutionary classification of prokaryotic and eukaryotic nucleobase-cation symporters of the NAT/NCS2 family 

      Chaliotis A., Vlastaridis P., Ntountoumi C., Botou M., Yalelis V., Lazou P., Tatsaki E., Mossialos D., Frillingos S., Amoutzias G.D. (2018)
      Nucleobase transporters are important for supplying the cell with purines and/or pyrimidines, for controlling the intracellular pool of nucleotides, and for obtaining exogenous nitrogen/carbon sources for metabolism. ...
    • Sex-specific impact of inbreeding on pathogen load in the striped dolphin 

      Gkafas G.A., de Jong M., Exadactylos A., Raga J.A., Aznar F.J., Rus Hoelzel A. (2020)
      The impact of inbreeding on fitness has been widely studied and provides consequential inference about adaptive potential and the impact on survival for reduced and fragmented natural populations. Correlations between ...
    • The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species 

      Papanicolaou A., Schetelig M.F., Arensburger P., Atkinson P.W., Benoit J.B., Bourtzis K., Castañera P., Cavanaugh J.P., Chao H., Childers C., Curril I., Dinh H., Doddapaneni H.V., Dolan A., Dugan S., Friedrich M., Gasperi G., Geib S., Georgakilas G., Gibbs R.A., Giers S.D., Gomulski L.M., González-Guzmán M., Guillem-Amat A., Han Y., Hatzigeorgiou A.G., Hernández-Crespo P., Hughes D.S.T., Jones J.W., Karagkouni D., Koskinioti P., Lee S.L., Malacrida A.R., Manni M., Mathiopoulos K., Meccariello A., Murali S.C., Murphy T.D., Muzny D.M., Oberhofer G., Ortego F., Paraskevopoulou M.D., Poelchau M., Qu J., Reczko M., Robertson H.M., Rosendale A.J., Rosselot A.E., Saccone G., Salvemini M., Savini G., Schreiner P., Scolari F., Siciliano P., Sim S.B., Tsiamis G., Ureña E., Vlachos I.S., Werren J.H., Wimmer E.A., Worley K.C., Zacharopoulou A., Richards S., Handler A.M. (2016)
      Background: The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a major destructive insect pest due to its broad host range, which includes hundreds of fruits and vegetables. It exhibits a unique ability to invade ...