Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Assessment of gene-by-sex interaction effect on bone mineral density 

      Liu, C. T.; Estrada, K.; Yerges-Armstrong, L. M.; Amin, N.; Evangelou, E.; Li, G.; Minster, R. L.; Carless, M. A.; Kammerer, C. M.; Oei, L.; Zhou, Y. H.; Alonso, N.; Dailiana, Z.; Eriksson, J.; Garcia-Giralt, N.; Giroux, S.; Husted, L. B.; Khusainova, R. I.; Koromila, T.; Kung, A. W.; Lewis, J. R.; Masi, L.; Mencej-Bedrac, S.; Nogues, X.; Patel, M. S.; Prezelj, J.; Richards, J. B.; Sham, P. C.; Spector, T.; Vandenput, L.; Xiao, S. M.; Zheng, H. F.; Zhu, K.; Balcells, S.; Brandi, M. L.; Frost, M.; Goltzman, D.; Gonzalez-Macias, J.; Karlsson, M.; Khusnutdinova, E. K.; Kollia, P.; Langdahl, B. L.; Ljunggren, O.; Lorentzon, M.; Marc, J.; Mellstroem, D.; Ohlsson, C.; Olmos, J. M.; Ralston, S. H.; Riancho, J. A.; Rousseau, F.; Urreizti, R.; Van Hul, W.; Zarrabeitia, M. T.; Castano-Betancourt, M.; Demissie, S.; Grundberg, E.; Herrera, L.; Kwan, T.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Pastinen, T.; Sigurdsson, G.; Thorleifsson, G.; VanMeurs, J. B. J.; Blangero, J.; Hofman, A.; Liu, Y. M.; Mitchell, B. D.; O'Connell, J. R.; Oostra, B. A.; Rotter, J. I.; Stefansson, K.; Streeten, E. A.; Styrkarsdottir, U.; Thorsteinsdottir, U.; Tylavsky, F. A.; Uitterlinden, A.; Cauley, J. A.; Harris, T. B.; Ioannidis, J. P. A.; Psaty, B. M.; Robbins, J. A.; Zillikens, M. C.; VanDuijn, C. M.; Prince, R. L.; Karasik, D.; Rivadeneira, F.; Kiel, D. P.; Cupples, L. A.; Hsu, Y. H. (2012)
      Sexual dimorphism in various bone phenotypes, including bone mineral density (BMD), is widely observed; however, the extent to which genes explain these sex differences is unclear. To identify variants with different effects ...
    • Gene receptor polymorphism as a risk factor for BMD deterioration in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa 

      Stergioti, E.; Deligeoroglou, E.; Economou, E.; Tsitsika, A.; Dimopoulos, K. D.; Daponte, A.; Katsioulis, A.; Creatsas, G. (2013)
      Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder that is associated with decreased bone mineral density and greater lifetime risk for fractures. This case-controlled study, analyzed single nucleotide polymorphisms of genes ...
    • Meta-analysis of genome-wide scans provides evidence for sex- and site-specific regulation of bone mass 

      Ioannidis, J. P. A.; Ng, M. Y.; Sham, P. C.; Zintzaras, E.; Lewis, C. M.; Deng, H. W.; Econs, M. J.; Karasik, D.; Devoto, M.; Kammerer, C. M.; Spector, T.; Andrew, T.; Cupples, L. A.; Duncan, E. L.; Foroud, T.; Kiel, D. P.; Koller, D.; Langdahl, B.; Mitchell, B. D.; Peacock, M.; Recker, R.; Shen, H.; Sol-Church, K.; Spotila, L. D.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; Wilson, S. G.; Kung, A. W. C.; Ralston, S. H. (2007)
      Introduction: BMD is a heritable trait and an important predictor of osteoporotic fracture risk. Several genome-wide scans have been performed in an attempt to detect loci that regulate BMD, but there has been limited ...