Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Array CGH"
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Clinical and molecular description of a fetus in prenatal diagnosis with a rare de novo ring 10 and deletions of 12.59 Mb in 10p15.3-p14 and 4.22 Mb in 10q26.3
(2012)Ring chromosomes are rare cytogenetic findings and are mostly associated with an abnormal phenotype. We report on the prenatal diagnosis of a ring chromosome 10 in a fetus in which talipes equinovarus was incidentally found ... -
Complex distal 10q rearrangement in a girl with mild intellectual disability: Follow up of the patient and review of the literature of non-acrocentric satellited chromosomes
(2011)We report on an intellectually disabled girl with a de novo satellited chromosome 10 (10qs) and performed a review of the literature of the non-acrocentric satellited chromosomes (NASC). Satellites and stalks normally occur ...