• Cognitive Fatigability is Independent of Subjective Cognitive Fatigue and Mood in Multiple Sclerosis 

      Bakirtzis C., Nikolaidis I., Boziki M.-K., Artemiadis A., Andravizou A., Messinis L., Ioannidis P., Grigoriadis N. (2020)
      Background:Sustained cognitive testing is used to detect cognitive fatigability and is often considered a substitute for subjective cognitive fatigue (CF). However, the relationship between cognitive fatigability and ...
    • Exercise, supportive group therapy, and mood profile of Greek cancer patients: intervention effect and related comparisons 

      Papastergiou D., Kokaridas D., Bonotis K., Diggelidis N., Patsiaouras A. (2018)
      Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exercise program and a group psychotherapy program on mood profile of Greek cancer patients as well as to make the necessary comparisons. Methods: The sample ...
    • Objectively measured physical activity and depressive symptoms in adult outpatients diagnosed with major depression. Clinical perspectives 

      Morres I.D., Hatzigeorgiadis A., Krommidas C., Comoutos N., Sideri E., Ploumpidis D., Economou M., Papaioannou A., Theodorakis Y. (2019)
      Physical activity (PA) is linked to reduced risk of depression, but research on the objectively measured PA in clinically diagnosed adult outpatients with major depressive disorder (MDD) is scarce. This study aimed to ...
    • Psychological consequences of COVID-19 home confinement: The ECLB-COVID19 multicenter study 

      Ammar A., Mueller P., Trabelsi K., Chtourou H., Boukhris O., Masmoudi L., Bouaziz B., Brach M., Schmicker M., Bentlage E., How D., Ahmed M., Aloui A., Hammouda O., Paineiras-Domingos L.L., Braakmanjansen A., Wrede C., Bastoni S., Pernambuco C.S., Mataruna-Dos-Santos L.J., Taheri M., Irandoust K., Khacharem A., Bragazzi N.L., Washif J.A., Glenn J.M., Bott N.T., Gargouri F., Chaari L., Batatia H., khoshnami S.C., Samara E., Zisi V., Sankar P., Ahmed W.N., Ali G.M., Abdelkarim O., Jarraya M., El Abed K., Romdhani M., Souissi N., Van Gemert-Pijnen L., Bailey S.J., Moalla W., Gómez-Raja J., Epstein M., Sanderman R., Schulz S., Jerg A., Al-Horani R., Mansi T., Jmail M., Barbosa F., Ferreira-Santos F., Šimunič B., Pišot R., Gaggioli A., Zmijewski P., Steinacker J.M., Strahler J., Riemann L., Riemann B.L., Mueller N., Chamari K., Driss T., Hoekelmann A. (2020)
      Background Public health recommendations and government measures during the COVID-19 pandemic have enforced restrictions on daily-living. While these measures are imperative to abate the spreading of COVID-19, the impact ...