• Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): Investigating care practices pointed out to disparities in diagnosis and treatment across European Union 

      Strand E.B., Nacul L., Mengshoel A.M., Helland I.B., Grabowski P., Krumina A., Alegre-Martin J., Efrim-Budisteanu M., Sekulic S., Pheby D., Sakkas G.K., Sirbu C.A., Authier F.J., Murovska M., Lacerda E., Estevez Lopez F., Scheibenbogen C., Shi-Kova-Lekova E., Lorusso L., Berkis U., Westermeier F., Riederer M., Tobback E., Meeus M., Shikova-Lekova E., Nielsen H., Brandslund I., Polo O., De Korwin J.-D., Scheibenbogen C., Harrer T., Prusty B., Freitag H., Trepel D., Cullinan J., Capelli E., Nora-Krukle Z., Rasa S., Vermeulen R., Menhshoel A.M., Helland I.B., Zalewski P., Sepulveda N., Sirbu C.A., Sekulic S., Vukadinovic M., Marusic U., Pisot R., Castro-Marrero J., Blanco J., Oltra E., Miro J., Berquist J., Blomberg J., Pheby D., Edwards J., Wang X., European Network on ME/CFS (EUROMENE) (2019)
      ME/CFS is a chronic, complex, multisystem disease that often limits the health and functioning of the affected patients. Diagnosing patients with ME/CFS is a challenge, and many different case definitions exist and are ...