Auflistung nach Autor "Sapkas, G."
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The clinical performance of a small diameter tibial nailing system with a mechanical distal aiming device
Karachalios, T.; Babis, G.; Tsarouchas, J.; Sapkas, G.; Pantazopoulos, T. (2000)We present the clinical and radiographic results of a prospective study with the Orthofix tibial nailing system. The ease and safety of distal locking with the use of an improved targeting system was also evaluated. Sixty ... -
Informal in-hospital care in a rehabilitation setting in Greece: An estimation of the nursing staff required for substituting this care
Sapountzi-Krepia, D.; Raftopoulos, V.; Sgantzos, M.; Dimitriadou, A.; Ntourou, I.; Sapkas, G. (2006)Purpose. To explore: ( a) the type and frequency of care-giving activities provided by family members in the Rehabilitation Setting (RS), (b) opportunities for family members to receive training in care-giving activities, ... -
Ten-year follow-up evaluation of a school screening program for scoliosis - Is the forward-bending test an accurate diagnostic criterion for the screening of scoliosis?
Karachalios, T.; Sofianos, J.; Roidis, N.; Sapkas, G.; Korres, D.; Nikolopoulos, K. (1999)Study Design. A 10-year follow-up evaluation of the effectiveness of school screening for scoliosis performed in a closed island population. Objectives. To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of methods used for screening ...