Auflistung nach Autor "Golphinopoulos, S."
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Accidental acute metabolic acidosis due to inappropriate selection of bicarbonate concentrate
Golphinopoulos, S.; Oustabasidou, N.; Liakopoulos, V.; Kiropoulos, T.; Stefanidis, I. (2005)Haemodialysis using a bicarbonate concentrate (bicarbonate dialysis) is the treatment modality of choice for correction of metabolic acidosis in chronic renal failure. However, improper ratios of acid and bicarbonate ... -
Plasma endothelin-1 in hemodialysis treatment - the influence of hypertension
Stefanidis, I.; Wurth, P.; Mertens, P. R.; Ikonomov, V.; Philippidis, G.; Golphinopoulos, S.; Makropoulos, V.; Liakopoulos, V.; Mann, H.; Heintz, B. (2004)In patients on chronic hemodialysis hypotensive episodes are frequently encountered during the course of treatment and the prevalence of atherosclerosis is increased. Endothelin-1 (ET-1), an endothelium-derived peptide ...