Sfoglia per Soggetto "verbal communication"
Items 1-3 di 3
Communication and Language Development of Young Children With Autism: A Review of Research in Music
(2018)Research demonstrates connections among children’s music actions, their engagement abilities, and their language development. Although the link between music and the engagement abilities of young children with autism is ... -
The impact of bilingualism on the narrative ability and the executive functions of children with autism spectrum disorders
(2020)While there is ample evidence that monolingual children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) face difficulties with narrative story-telling and executive functions (EF), there is considerable uncertainty about how bilingualism ... -
Royal disease (Vasilios nósos): Substantiating one of the names of tuberculosis in Greek, from “Atakta” dictionary by Adamantios Korais, (1832-1835)
(2022)The purpose of the present article is to substantiate the Greek name of Βασίλειoς νόσoς (Vasilios nósos) about tu-berculosis, with the analysis of what Adamantios Korais mentions about scrofula in his dictionary “Atakta”. ...