Sfoglia per Soggetto "literature review"
Items 1-12 di 12
Analytical studies assessing the association between extreme precipitation or temperature and drinking water-related waterborne infections: A review
(2015)Determining the role of weather in waterborne infections is a priority public health research issue as climate change is predicted to increase the frequency of extreme precipitation and temperature events. To document the ... -
Assessing the preservation of parks and natural protected areas: A review of contingent valuation studies
(2020)The existence of parks is particularly important and offers many benefits both to the environment and to humans. Parks are recreational spaces, which contribute to the improvement of the microclimate, reduce atmospheric ... -
Carpooling platforms as smart city projects: A bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review
(2021)Carpooling schemes for mutual cost benefits between the driver and the passengers has a long history. However, the convenience of driving alone, the increasing level of car ownership, and the difficulties in finding travelers ... -
The contribution of transport infrastructures to the economic and regional development: A review of the conceptual framework
(2020)Transport infrastructures are a major drive for achieving economic development at all geographical scales, and particularly at the regional and local level, at which the units of the spatial economic systems are usually ... -
Development and validation of a scale for measuring Multiple Motives toward Environmental Protection (MEPS)
(2019)The current study aimed to establish and validate the Multi-motives toward Environmental Protection Scale (MEPS) to assess the various reasons that motivate individuals to engage in environmental behaviors. The scale ... -
Exit and entry screening practices for infectious diseases among travelers at points of entry: Looking for evidence on public health impact
(2019)A scoping search and a systematic literature review were conducted to give an insight on entry and exit screening referring to travelers at points of entry, by analyzing published evidence on practices, guidelines, and ... -
Interference of weeds in vegetable crop cultivation, in the changing climate of Southern Europe with emphasis on drought and elevated temperatures: A review
(2018)It is challenging to predict the changes in weed flora that may occur because of changes in global climate. Limited data are available on the effect of climate change and drought conditions on weed flora and their ... -
The island rule is not valid in terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea)
(2017)The island rule posits that small animals grow larger on islands, whereas large-bodied ones are expected to dwarf, but remains largely unexplored in invertebrates. We tested the rule at an inter-specific level on terrestrial ... -
Spatial and temporal distribution of p,p′-DDE (1‑dichloro‑2,2‑bis (p‑chlorophenyl) ethylene) blood levels across the globe. A systematic review and meta-analysis
(2019)Background: Although p,p′‑DDT (1,1,1‑trichloro-2,2‑bis (p‑chlorophenyl)‑ethane) has been banned for decades in most countries, its major metabolite p,p′-DDE (1‑dichloro‑2,2‑bis (p‑chlorophenyl) ethylene) is still detected ... -
A systematic review for vaccine-preventable diseases on ships: Evidence for cross-border transmission and for pre-employment immunization need
(2019)A literature review was conducted to identify evidence of cases and outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) that have been reported from on board ships and the methods applied on board for prevention and control, ... -
Understanding the regional engagement of universities from a stakeholders’ perspective: The case of the university of Thessaly, Greece
(2021)International literature pays vast attention to the role and the regional engagement of universities as a facilitator of sustainable regional development. Most papers use top-down approaches by looking at how well conceptual ... -
Views and experiences of persons with chronic diseases about strategies that aim to integrate and re-integrate them into work: A systematic review of qualitative studies
(2018)The effectiveness of strategies targeting professional integration and reintegration strongly depends on the experiences of participants. The aim of this systematic literature review is to synthesize European qualitative ...