Sfoglia per Soggetto "anthropogenic source"
Items 1-3 di 3
Soil contamination by potentially toxic elements and the associated human health risk in geo- and anthropogenic contaminated soils: A case study from the temperate region (Germany) and the arid region (Egypt)
(2020)Soil contamination was very high in the studied soils (pollution load index ranged from 1.1 to 5.2), especially in the German and Egyptian Fluvisols; health risk for children was higher than for adults, and As, Al, Cr, Cu, ... -
Study on particulate matter air pollution, source origin, and human health risk based of PM10 metal content in Volos City, Greece
(2017)Investigations on the fluctuation in PM10 air pollution in Volos, a medium-sized industrialized port city in the Mediterranean, are presented for the 5-year period between 2009 and 2014. The levels detected have been ... -
Zooplankton population seasonal variations in relation to nutrients. Case study of Lake Kastoria, Western Macedonia, Greece
(2017)In order to evaluate the trophic status of Lake Kastoria, seasonal pattern of nutrients, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton have been examined from January to December 2011. Lake Kastoria is a polymictic lake, characterized by ...