Sfoglia per Soggetto "Vacuum gas"
Items 1-5 di 5
Analysis of gas separation, conductance and equivalent single gas approach for binary gas mixture flow expansion through tubes of various lengths into vacuum
(2016)The steady-state binary gas mixture expansion through tubes of various lengths into vacuum is considered, focusing on the intensity of gas separation, the computation of conductance and the implementation of the equivalent ... -
Gas flow towards an adsorbing planar wall subject to partial gas-surface thermal accommodation
(2016)The steady half-space single gas flow driven by an adsorbing planar wall is investigated based on the solution of the BGK kinetic model. The mass and heat transfer between the gas and the plate are characterized by the ... -
Gas-surface interaction in rarefied gas flows through long capillaries via the linearized Boltzmann equation with various boundary conditions
(2022)Reliable gas–surface interaction modeling is of major importance in consistent simulation of rarefied gas flows with applications in vacuum technology and micro-electromechanical systems. The effectiveness of the most ... -
Modeling of time-dependent gas pumping networks in the whole range of the Knudsen number: Simulation of the ITER dwell phase
(2020)A hybrid time-dependent algorithm to simulate the transient response of gas distribution systems of arbitrary size and complexity, in the whole range of the Knudsen number, is proposed. The pressure evolution in the vessels ... -
Uncertainty propagation analysis of the computed ITER torus effective pumping speed during the dwell phase
(2022)At the University of Thessaly the ARIADNE code for modeling complex gas distribution systems operating under any vacuum conditions has been developed by integrating a kinetic database to a typical gas network solver. The ...